Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 3: Clear on Network Topology

Local area networks (LANs) come in a variety of different shapes, each having their own unique advantages and disadvantages:

Bus Topology 
All nodes are connected to a single cable, or bus. This is an easy and inexpensive set up. However, if there is any type of connection issue, the entire network is down which also makes it difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem. 

Token Ring 
All nodes are connected as a giant ring which has no beginning or end. A token of code is then passed from neighbor to neighbor in an endless cycle, until it reaches the node it was intended for.

Star Topology 
All nodes are connected to a single, central point, which can be a hub, switch, or router. There are no disruptions to the network if one node shuts down or is added. If the central hub is disabled, however, the connected nodes are all off the network.

For more examples on network topology, visit

Graphics: © Sarah Reyes 2011

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