Thursday, October 20, 2011

Excel Project

Surprisingly enough, this turned out to be one of my favorite project of this class so far. It was quick and easy, especially since I had the lecture videos to refer to as well. (Now watch me get a horrible grade or something).

Just kidding. I've had experience with Excel before, but it was mostly self-taught, or shortcuts discovered through trial-and-error. I've never had to deal with large amounts of data before though, so learning the keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+home to return to the top left of the worksheet or how to zoom down to the end of a data block was quite useful. I also brushed up on long-forgotten basics like equations, which I rarely have to use. Pivot tables looked a little scary at first, but they are a useful tool to see quick results on bulks of information. I also liked the neat conditional formatting--decorating with a purpose! (As you may see in my lovely picture, pink for girls and blue for boys. Although I must say I really hate pink).

Normally I use Excel to organize information, but I never had a need to analyze anything. Now that I understand how equations works and see how simple they really are, I'll probably venture out to establishing budget books or something to that extent. As much as I really don't look forward to class projects and homework, I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciate this segment on learning how to use Excel. 

Graphic Source: Me, myself and I.

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