What happens when both your laptop and your desktop take a dump on the night your hw is due?
You post it on your blog, praying it makes it to the internet before the computer freezes up again. I've been at this for more than two hours now.
Possible viruses? Murphy's Law?
Excel Scavenger Hunt
Sarah Reyes
Workbook Structure
1. How are columns and rows addressed?
columns: numbers rows: letters
2. How is a cell addressed?
column letter + row number ex: A1, B1, C1, D1
3. List at least one keyboard shortcut to move to the end of a group of cells:
Ctrl + arrow direction; end key + arrow direction
4. What keypress immediately takes you to the top-left corner of your spreadsheet?
Ctrl + home key
5. How do you rename a worksheet?
Double-click worksheet name, then rename
Data Basics
1. What do you type to force a cell to record information as text data?
‘xx (apostrophe before number)
2. How does Excel store date information? Why is that useful?
Stores as a serial number, excel is capable of calculating how many days apart two different dates are.
3. How do you add a new row to a worksheet?
Click cell, insert, entire row
4. How do you add a new column to a worksheet?
Click cell, insert, entire column
5. How do you adjust a column’s width?
Drag column letter on top of window to adjust width, or double click
6. How do you open the “Format Cells” window?
Home tab, Cells, Format Cells, or right-click, format cells
1. How do you instruct Excel to automatically scale a printout to fit within a certain number of pages wide?
Page setup, Page tab, Fit to XX pages wide
2. …within a certain number of pages long?
Page setup, Page tab, Fit to XX pages wide, XX pages tall
3. How do you force Excel to display a set of column headings at the top of every page printed?
Page Layout, Print Titles, Rows to Repeat at Top: highlight entire row 1 (headings)
Creating Formulas
1. What character must be used to start a formula in Excel?
Equation symbol
2. What is meant by PEMDAS?
Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
3. What symbols are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
+ - * /
Absolute vs. Relative Cell Addressing
1. What happens to “relative” cell addresses in a formula when they are copied to a new cell? Give an example.
When copied, the equation copies as well but modifies itself to new data. Example used was the squares of the numbers 1 through 5.
2. What happens to “absolute” cell addresses in a formula when they are copied to a new cell?
$A$1 to make absolute, meaning only refers back to same, single cell. When done, cell will not be changed no matter where you copy it.
3. When writing a formula, how do you specify a cell address as absolute? For example, how would you specify cell B5 as being absolute?
1. Suppose you want a function like =AVERAGE() to work on a range of cells, such as A1 through A500. What is the syntax for doing this?
2. What is the Excel function for finding the smallest value in a range of cells? The largest?
Smallest: min(xx:xx)
Largest: max(xx:xx)
3. What is the syntax for the Excel =IF() function? How is it used? Give an example.
Used to test, like SU grading option. =if(logical test, value if true, value if false)
=if(I2>120, “S”, “U”)
Pivot Tables
1. What do you click in Excel to create a new pivot table?
Insert tab, Pivot Table
2. How do you configure a pivot table to give you a “count” of items instead of sum?
Right-click column of information, Summarize Data By…Count
3. How do you set the number format of data in a pivot table?
Right-click, number format, category, number, adjust # of decimal places
4. How do you configure a pivot table to “group” the rows?
Right-click, Group, select type of grouping. Ex: 7 days
5. How do you configure the pivot table to not display grand totals?
Pivot Table tab, Layout button, Show Totals for Rows, uncheck Show Totals for rows